Wednesday, August 24, 2011


  • Remove all condiments from the tables. Refill all condiments, including those kept behind the bar (salt and pepper, tabasco, ketchup).
  • Make sure all tables, chairs, and banquettes are clean.
  • Bring all the containers with Brunch items (sugar bowls, salt and pepper shakers, tabasco and ketchup bottles, paper napkins, coffee cups, mugs, creamers, maple syrup containers, pourers, 3 large and 2 small coffee pots) back to the basement, in their designated area; always keep that area clean and organized. Keep 12 coffee cups, 6 mugs, and all tea pots on the bar shelves; they will be used for Lunch and Dinner shifts. Also, keep one large coffee pot. 
NOTE: For all plastic pourers: once they have been cleaned, attach the top part to the respective bottom part, securely and tight. To avoid future spills, and a future search    for the right top/bottom parts, keep them paired at ALL times. They should be stored in a container placed on top shelf in the Brunch storing area, in the basement. 
  • Place 1 Iced tea, 1 Iced coffee, 1 grapefruit juice, and 1 orange juice in the beer cooler; all other extra juices and drinks should be placed in containers and brought down to the basement. Juices and diary products are kept in the small refrigerator by the ice machine; all other drinks are kept in the big walk-in, on the upper left shelf.
NOTE: When placing juices and diary products in the refrigerator, remember the FIFO rule: First In, First Out. Check the dates on all products, and placed them        accordingly (newer products in the back, older products in the front). 
  • Place the remains of drink garnishes, sliced lemons, cream, maple syrup, butter packets, jam and cooked shrimp in a container; place this container inside the walk-in, on the upper left shelf. (Cream and cooked shrimp can only be kept after Saturday Brunch, for the following Brunch shift, on Sunday; discard of these items after Sunday Brunch)
  • Wipe off the entire bar, including back counter, the kitchen counter, and the metal wall covering around the trash area. 
  • Wipe off the coffee machine, the area around it, and check the wall next to it for splashes. 
  • Clean the sink and send the colander through the dishwasher. 
  • Send the bar pouring matts through the dishwasher. 
  • Organize and clean all the bar shelves. 
  • Polish the remaining of the clean glasses and silverware. 
  • Discard the bleach solution and the cleaning cloth; clean the sanitation bucket. 
  • Empty the trash bin from the bathroom; take all trash out, including recycling items. (After Saturday Brunch, trash goes in the basement, in the large trash bins, covered; After Sunday Brunch, trash goes outside, by the basement entrance)
  • Place new trash and recycling bags in the bins behind the bar.
  • Collect and store all Brunch menus. 

  1. Always check refrigerators for spills and correct reading temperatures. 
  2. Let a manager or a co-worker know right away if any of the appliances are not functioning correctly: ice machine, refrigerators, lights, music system, coffee and espresso machines, AC/heating system.
  3. Let a manager or a co-worker know right away if there is a problem with any of the sinks or draining systems, or the toilet in the bathroom. 
  4. If there is a low stock on any of the items/supplies or if we're missing these items entirely, let a manager or a co-worker know immediately. 
  5. Always follow the NYC Department of Health rules and regulations, while handling food and during your working shifts at Alias. If you have any questions/concerns contact one of the managers. 
  6. To avoid spoilage, clean plastic pourers at least once a week.
  7. As per NYC Department of Health, the soda gun and its holder, should be always clean. Please, wash these items once a week, to remove syrup residues.

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